

 Cool summer of spring air is common.

Yahoo calendar to the good only is part of  testimony true nothing funny about it.

Don't forget i'm a working person too, little courtesy extended!!!

(3 thirteen time zones of providence thankful visitation) Sunday's after season

(few hundred miles blessed place to visit many) two weeks few days time

stateside coast to coast is sentiments of a gentler time thankful, yet a little easier


Anythin' paying local is nothing to laugh at. Dollars change hands ev'ryday!

Not forgetful of virtual machine provenance...similar not all the same.  (edit)
gen. ref, to types of holistic healing

Pentecosttide two weeks few days time is common!

poem...  Wildflowers



Flora foliage fauna is ecosystem ecology. (edit) all american all impartiality, average american impartiality, aardvark, asparagus agate impartiality 3aaai add on to the nclwd va summa associate degree two yr. tching aout 8 mnth cal. yr. tching(teaching) edit

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citizen of the world generic reference is common normal workable and amenable!

le louvre


perimeter inst.



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 Cold croessroads Fall or Autumn Rd. 's is common.