
Aug. 21, 2010 read and repeat!

Aug 21 blog entry double entry.

T.S.R.'s conclusion has its joy in literary work being contemplated as a new blog, website format. Remember Mc and Events..., applications..., quality of space and time..., wonderful in writing exercise. The purpose of hard to read e-books has also been an exercise in goal directed process.

Aug. 21, 2010

Set aside day remnant day Sat. make for an important Sunday this weekend quantum memo notes Fri. some good faith sufficient time in our rounded dates and times or re reading of loi season in the balance this Sat. morning. Weekday responsibilities continue at constants and not able to be gotten wrong existence of quantum dynamic occurs or appears at three forums of loi issues at age of apostolic covenant walk with grace continuum. The famous christian saying about the regularity anew meaning challenging anew in this important '10 jubilee season justifying the correct important ordinance of days and times as understood.

Aug. 20, 2010

[When in issues based advocacy involving qtm. amts. of time and energy communication about issues in all ones affairs is of continual considerable courtesy.] [The (dot dot dot) literary passage technique has been advancement based literary and arts thrift continual as good faith allows.]

T.S.R.'s Aug. 20, 2010

Applications from rebuffer e-book has a summer flair to it. The continuation of growing season has a way of being a retreat blessing. The best of these applications are to preserve literary collection of work protocol and continual glad to have been on this journey today.


Advancement training and goal directed process work require continual effort. Attitude about list following is as important as each component of such everyday. What a wonderful gotten to be mid summer entry says it all.

Aug. 18, 2010

Art's and a painting theme much deeper universal and free than average. May your spirit conscience guide you free and happy anow. Yea the universitalis of qtm. dynamic finds us living in an age and time not like any others ever before!

A.M. Aug. 17, 2010

Quantum time in the story has endured without anything more than thrift dollar values over the course of time. Thankfully the ethics and semantics in walk with grace universal are compelling to contrast independent values with core work values in an old shoe or old hat formula. The getting your best value now part of academic and fiscal quarterly work has its commonality in individuals being part of it, working with others and striving for excellence amidst that perceived retirement 100 formula in the balance. Midday aff.'s time maintained very briefly silently as to avoid lengthy mid day long faith prayers and aff.'s,... as we've served...and as a blessing... amen.

A.M.P.M. Blog Entry Mon. Aug 16, 2010
about busy transition.

Comiling one file for hou, chx, cov, 10%, coc, req, rem and imm are easy application fun process. Days counting has its important junction behind the scenes quality. T.S.R.'s report winding down some has joy in others writing effort, opportunities, and careful focus on application work anew.

Good 'Ol Aug 15, 2010

Midway rides, crickets chirping across the soybean field (hey diddle diddle) and the retreat time blues of Aug are preparing us for the arduous work of duty. Take it slow be mindful of the expeerience in day 29 day 37, 31 and 15 as it relates to formal 90 not to far distant. Ah the maintenancing of universal constants and to see firtst fruits in the cosmos while yea being thankful to discern being a small part of something greater.


 Cold croessroads Fall or Autumn Rd. 's is common.