Foliage is an important part of the ecology ecosystem environment tew ways to say it!
15 block 25 block (15 hr.) is an u.s.i. from jogging courier work experience only
ref. to old nat. rd. rte. 40 won't be wavering 'til all are edified. I'll be coming in person![edit]
intl. t.y.!
pentecosttide poor saints at jerursalem t-ful t-ful t-ful each and ev'ryday in ev'ry wayt hank one anther again you'll be glad for it!
Eight month or ou two year calendar item(s) [cal. measure fewdays time](*metric farenheight home sew kit item is about effects for a venerable old age.)
Love oft laugh oft! Love oft laugh oft, again!
E'er vigilant don't ever give up! Don't e'er forget
Parcel post is now postage cancelled forever series different.
Collaborative, mediation, technological help contacts are difficult people
due to the disposition of information required!
work with academic and fiscal two weeks few days time report(s) is common! [edit]
*see preceding!
the road less travelled
fiver30 highlight praise be!
legalese (sec.)[par]p?...abs. iss. w/out prejudice is common!
hol. 1
Use your imagination!
Pray for each other you'll be glad you did!
winter blues
2 wks few days is common!
Urgency factor stay after it kike it means businrss! It does!!! gen.
hol. cheer!
Reading time and rereading time go hand in hand for it also worketh! Marvelously!!!
Calendar measure of devotion is of age common.
Cool mid winter air is common!
1/16 1/3
c.m.o.d.(cal. measure of devotion) few days time is common!
Same day daily editorial updating, time stamped selfies(radio, clock, camera daily sign off maintenance procedure) Navajo blue law daily preamble re writing
though differing views I'm able to help. If we all do our best it'll be fine!!!
good practice reflection, best practice reflection
gen. c'mon
near civ., nondescript, northland civic location work done it'll do!
Near civil location work(already) done non-descript location work (already) done northland civil loc. work done is common. (get the a out of there) fits marvelously with
veterans admin. post commencing interview and subsequent interview at local guard office hand on heart pledge civ. tux. bros. vol.(fun run w/ one or anot. hon. notable) working with issues!
09-06-18 (edit)ref. to fee money dismissal notice! all e'er!
symbolic and figurative le loi
rabbinic le loi
Nicene creed
reading time
re reading list help faiths
random & arbitrary
gen. ref. only being educated is helpful!
sharing and caring back to work back to school season is present being present to be careful with is common.
le louvre
repaid monies(generic)
sample forms(generic)
Issues review is not to hard for average.
(pic. later)
reference only9:21 AM 6/3/2019
Issues review is not to hard for average.
(pic. later)
reference only9:21 AM 6/3/2019