Eight month or ou two year calendar item(s) [cal. measure fewdays time](*metric farenheight home sew kit item is about effects for a venerable old age.)
E'er viigilant don't ever give up! Don't e'er forget
work with academic and fiscal two weeks few days time report(s) is common! [edit]
*see preceding!
the road less travelled
fiver30 highlight praise be!
legalese (sec.)[par]p?...abs. iss. w/out prejudice is common!
hol. 1
Use your imagination!
Pray for each other you'll be glad you did!
I hope you ain;t new!
Cold few days time Winter air is common!
2 wks few days is common!
hol. cheer!
Reading time and rereading time go hand in hand for it also worketh! Marvelously!!!
t.y. per.ea. ev'ry day in5 ev'ry way is com..
Home respondent parcel post "everyone is a printing press" is not to hard for average, on a budget something for everyone!
Harder of iss. firstly is value of time. Two wks. few days time (cleaner's) is common!
...de de die diem prefect code writing... locality ph. #.
Portfolio of information working fwd. is not to hard of review info. to be secured. ... ... Referencing
the subj. matter correctly is current and present time.
Diet and exercise good to secular calendar review is of some urgency not beyond doable.(disc. work)
Editing the rough edit notes into satisfying literary aliteration papers is satisfying.
Calendar measure of devotion is of age common.
Cool mid winter air is common!
1/16 1/3
c.m.o.d.(cal. measure of devotion) few days time is common!
Same day daily editorial updating, time stamped selfies(radio, clock, camera daily sign off maintenance procedure) Navajo blue law daily preamble re writing
though differing views I'm able to help. If we all do our best it'll be fine!!!
good practice reflection, best practice reflection
gen. c'mon
'til the m few days time is com. ( tishri or ethanim dual entry suff. to way for all) about mid sept.(ember)(embre) to mid oct.(re)(? ) ttt
veterans admin. post commencing interview and subsequent interview at local guard office hand on heart pledge civ. tux. bros. vol.(fun run w/ one or anot. hon. notable) working with issues!
09-06-18 (edit)ref. to fee money dismissal notice! suff.to all e'er!
symbolic and figurative le loi
rabbinic le loi
Nicene creed
reading time
re reading list help faiths
random & arbitrary
gen. ref. only being educated is helpful!
repaid monies(generic)
sample forms(generic)
le louvre
302.11 803.11 isa nicee 499 number
perimeter institute
Issues review is not to hard for average.
(pic. later)
reference only