
Cold clean  late autumn air is common!

Take it easy as possible is common!

Diet and exercise disclaimer is  common.  (edit)   
gen. ref.



Home respondent duty is general reference common!

My work ev'ry day of the yr. *staples bus. card "anything networking" is being repurposed, made over, done again!

Facsimile 3 differing ident.. from differing annum ou or de ans cycles insurance card item on facsimile is home respondent important item

feed the pig there is something else!

c.m.o.d.(cal. measure of devotion) few days time is common!

Same day daily editorial updating, time stamped selfies(radio, clock, camera daily sign off maintenance procedure)  Navajo blue law daily preamble re writing
though differing views I'm able to help.  If we all do our best it'll be fine.

good practice reflection, best practice reflection
gen. c'mon


'til the m few days time is com. (marcesvan or bul dual entry suff. to way for all) about mid oct..(ember)(embre) to mid

near civ., nondescript, northland location work done it'll do!

Near civil location work(already) done or non-descript location work (already) done. (get the a out of there) fits marvelously with
veterans admin. post commencing interview and subsequent interview at local guard office hand on  heart pledge civ. tux. bros. vol.(fun run w/ one or anot. hon. notable)  working with issues!

09-06-18 (edit)ref. to fee money dismissal notice! suff.to all e'er!

symbolic and figurative le loi
rabbinic le loi
Nicene creed
reading time
re reading list help faiths

random & arbitrary

gen. ref. only being educated is helpful!





repaid monies(generic)

sample forms(generic)


 Cold croessroads Fall or Autumn Rd. 's is common.