
free love

Feb 2, 2010

Where God's love is the arts & humanities flourish. Like the Remington sculpture the hard middle ground between youth and beauty with individualism
rugged is a joyful medium to be thankful for. Similar to a hymn line that makes one feel at home the next project or next truth is yet the greatest challenge.


W.C. report into mid w.q. (edit) is of important humanity concern anow. The something greater than us a work continues to be a joyful story. By grace by mercy love is a continuing challenge.

Three small r's and tsr's

Three small r's are MC, quantity, and applications. Tsr's are events work, space and time and plural s, or singular. So in conclusion the tsr's and three small r's paper proper has some mixed meanings. Yes there is a paper on this. In all that heavy subject matter be glad that q. papers are in an arbitrary or random collection. Because the harder language has its challenging symbolic and figurative connotations.


The crescendo of light is in the weightless and motionless overcoming similar to the moment. And the opportunity in bountifulness has its truth in the work. In this message is the love that makes us full, makes us whole and makes us well. As we start afresh let us be mindful of one another and the fulfilling of this grace by which ye are made free.

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