
editin, ha ha latin what have you?

 Average to renaissance light comedy tends to be about 16th of 15th century la ti dah  i'll blog a sample or another here or there.  Yet we live in the p.m.a. present why it's the present.  Much to be thankful for much work work to be done.  Checkin ' my few lg. over acct.'s with discretion.  Good cu cut and paste man could have done more perchance with some of that wonderful home bus.!   


Upright community professional consultation

   Thank you humble following anything in emergency /consultation is to be careful with.  Time heals all  Time is friend to  no one.  A few steps back with on folk healing to either dismiss faith healing.  Street cred a couple of large a few a couple of large a few old line rackets.   (edit)  Curtesy courtesy amer. sl. for good old usa what a beautiful new season a.m.!  Few states few counties apace urgency sun rises in the east sets in the west been doing so for hundreds of years.  Aftercare consultations continuing with thanks is common.  Live contacts per go with it.   



Good old usa!

p.s. The local framers tended to allow for certain literary or arts advancements and the narrative that follows. Individuals work together with references.  I've always been polishing a body of work in the arts.







    Cool from experience early to mid fall clean air

is common a little easier thankful visitation of 

season within a season.  Junk phone drawer problem 

solving discipline only.  www.crivoice.org hebcal.org 

g.m.t. sufficient to all.

To make "a" duh reflection on fighting gold or gloom and doom economics yea something else there be!

thanks to all our partners old and new borrowed and

blue all.  Brethren types all aye ave learned how to laugh.  Not to mention our high holy days "day of atonement" not to mention all of us or so experience wonderful teacher!


   A funny non linear time g_locks sighting at in bound stop public transpo last Fri. lowe's stop on my way to chronic pain upright pro community emergency.  Puzzle pages yadda y adda yadda probably nothing.  Gobbletygook I hope you ain't new.  22nd of the 21st century that I like the other not so much!  Dating to that time ain't gone away lately.  Quarterly subject to some adjustment's sure to be necessaire.  Gray area things we don't know.  A couple large a few street cred city man  style take a few steps back on folk healing to either discernible amount of delay p.m.a healing(holistic)!  Symphony of Sundays (after a little easier)  bck. gr. chk clr. p_port clr. professional licences clr. d/l clr. the whole nine clr. prophetic vision home workout clr. A couple large a few fake money bling a few different non negotiable old line gambling and prostitution rackets ain't gone away lately .03 .05 .08 city commute daily yet sure of help from on high!  Make a run for it curbside alternative address another, win win loot turning today.  Darned it I'm good enough!  Aw shucks!


follow up forever

 It's (im)perfectly alright to discern my wage. Benefit protection awareness is common. Yahoo reminder <bbeaty4090@yahoo.com>


Tue, Sep 22 at 2:25 AM

"wknd proper" reminder
Sunday, 27 September 2020
06:30 AM to 07:00 AM
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time - Dublin / Edinburgh / Lisbon / London
work ar. cl. as al. is com..(edit)
Brad_Beaty Calendar

Hands cradled low apolitical blues everyone loves a baby

Tiime stamped selfies daily editorial updates is common.

local news and weather only marvelous to our eyes faith season is requisite erudite cool clean early fall air is a marvel t-ful

reading time of another ordinate season scientific![edit]

ober ou or de embre free world universitalis is you could be on a full ride and struggle with this. old shoe old hat low stress low maintenance polite complimentary tone anonymity glorious gracious take it as easy as possible as always e'er ambient light
aumbient light parsed words with homework done thank the lord for good 'ol usa magnanimous marvelous majestic rinse like shampoo!!! roughly an hour or so contemporary fellowship hour review only a labor of love work done in our time!



hard date 02-27

 High holy days year 'a' lectionary grace healing grace so many good old usa using same theme. http://www.crivoice.org/lectionary/YearA/Aepiphanylast.html  anterior



 Cold croessroads Fall or Autumn Rd. 's is common.