E.b.w.'s q.r.a.'s after easter are defined with ordinates. Our reference hobby is an e.b.w. guideline. The whole way through has ordinances, treatise's and ...
1. Random and arbitrary good prose thankfully has other work enjoyment blog writer enjoys.
(Les Miserables [1.]cliffs notes derived from qra hobby similar to ...)
[1.] CliffsNotes tm Hugo's Les Miserables
Hungry minds, Inc.
909 Third Ave.
New York, NY 10022 copyright '68
Wonderful season w/in season conditions just like e.b.w.'s ever were. Sorry about the quantum tough talk from Holiday but e.b.w.'s are in perilous hours & minutes. By the e.b.w. way good faith is as always continual(a.c. l.y.r.) about others young and old brave and blue the best ever.
E.b.w. is the # of days until the next festival season. Thankfulness as a gentleman with a number of mature years faith experience I'm prepared from the very n'th of orthodoxy perspectives. Roughly due to hard count of the 16th the narrow defined days of such will be ordinate on or around the 13th.
Wonderful season w/in season conditions just like e.b.w.'s ever were. Sorry about the quantum tough talk from Holiday but e.b.w.'s are in perilous hours & minutes. By the e.b.w. way good faith is as always continual(a.c. l.y.r.) about others young and old brave and blue the best ever.
E.b.w. is the # of days until the next festival season. Thankfulness as a gentleman with a number of mature years faith experience I'm prepared from the very n'th of orthodoxy perspectives. Roughly due to hard count of the 16th the narrow defined days of such will be ordinate on or around the 13th.
04-24-11 04-25-11
Quantum memo notes day Sunday has joy.
Weekend prepared is good.
Early a.m. aff.'s Mon. is not far off.
Tues. quant. this Mon. is working away anew.
Quantum aside notes are qtm. time results. Qtm. ref. area Wed. is not to distant.
Our prepared blessings been working onward for quite some time now.(can't read rough copy).
.wav upload
transcript of .wav upload!
Thank you for your important time and attention. One qtm. amount of time and energy with regards to faith in this milleneal atonement season has its best work in hands close together separation issues
regarding qtm. time and energy in the universal. The only trouble with light as we understand it is common or symbolic and figurative loi language to communicate something greater than us at work very important due to its symbolic and figurative nature. There in is the (the)distance light travels in a specific formula of quantum time very hard to discern. We've come to be thankful for it. For some may responsibly associate that with kingdom faith, being part of something greater, a few of several
partnering in an equal share of that wonderful tomorrow of good report going into areas not before determined. Thank You!
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E.B.W. mid-week joys us with acad. & fisc. qrtrly truth. E.b.w.'s are about the dream of a better life. Yea our best life now stories are always and ever continual.
To be informative enjoyment blog writing is literary query. Three small r's are blog entries relative to non-linear time deeper meaning about orthodoxy practice. After a brief foray to Indymojo, these e.b.w.'s are a continuation of t.s.r.'s.
In other words the slow based time of writer being over for the quarter has its joys in literary style. The apples and oranges example of tings alike and those not alike are teaching, edifying, business techniques working onward. The mature years faith nature of our seasons within seasons has in its concordance sufficient joy for each and every one and all.
1.(to wax somewhat colloquial of how many do you suppose there are?) 1-3 deled from 04-20 entry
2.(tools)(sharing links are like the old days of checking sources.)
3.(and adjusting man-made calendar towards)
a.(the satisfaction in) a-c deled from 04-21 entry
c.[The beginning and the end of light as it's written or could be written]
One enjoyment blog is at www.enjoymentblogwriting.blogspot.com. These t.s.r.'s enjoyment blog's are nice a e.b.w.'s. Yea too much but the less the best.
E.B.W. has its sure Sunday blessing. Yet with fairer conditions still much truth to watchfulness and caution in challenging times. It's like richness of one.
Enjoyment writing has much enjoyment. The weekday entries are like other's in regular report efforts.
Enjoyment blog writing weekdays are exciting.
The way of prepared ahead of time effort has worked very timely wonderful. Thanks to the whole way through the best has mature years faith. Enjoyment blog writing is sure to continue.
Apr. 09, 2011
In not mixing e.b.w. with my set aside for experiment purpose's daily documents, three quantum memo's and quantum reference area hobby, springtime springs eternal. The hard issues are commended over to resource's grater than oneself. The required discipline's are sustaining important faith work onward.
Apr. 10, 2011
E.B.W. in non-distraction of universitalis, uprightness and restiveness are humbly similar to repentance, introspection and self reflection. The wonderfully prepared ahead of time work of such a quiet meditative faith and collective conscience man made dates and times and symbolic and figurative loi consciousnesses. Of a blessing by grace joy nothing(lat. numquam) is too hard for ave.
Apr. 11, 2011
Morning blog entry about enjoyment continues set aside maintenance at constants. An excitement or joy about best life now oppty.'s are to be sure today. With excitement of more to see and do proceed with caution. See it the whole way through is common.(prepared ahead of time)
In not mixing e.b.w. with my set aside for experiment purpose's daily documents, three quantum memo's and quantum reference area hobby, springtime springs eternal. The hard issues are commended over to resource's grater than oneself. The required discipline's are sustaining important faith work onward.
Apr. 10, 2011
E.B.W. in non-distraction of universitalis, uprightness and restiveness are humbly similar to repentance, introspection and self reflection. The wonderfully prepared ahead of time work of such a quiet meditative faith and collective conscience man made dates and times and symbolic and figurative loi consciousnesses. Of a blessing by grace joy nothing(lat. numquam) is too hard for ave.
Apr. 11, 2011
Morning blog entry about enjoyment continues set aside maintenance at constants. An excitement or joy about best life now oppty.'s are to be sure today. With excitement of more to see and do proceed with caution. See it the whole way through is common.(prepared ahead of time)
Apr. 06
*disclaimer all blog posts are made from subject working with a few issues in a season of repentance, self reflection and introspection!
Apr. 06
Three days enj. b. w. worked out wonderfully. Through careful giving and preparations the important part of our season within season prepared ahead of time efforts practiced joyfully. The see it the whole way through story with trepidation of a surety continues, continually.
Apr. 07
E.B.W. Thurs. something greater than us is at work. Through mid morning aff.'s absolvement of i.b.a. not to hard for average. So the universe being near to be sure is a wonderful blessing thanks to others.
Apr. 08
E.B.W. is done for enjoyment. Humming our hymns, sowing our seeds, glad for one another. Thanks be, Thanks be many, thanks be! Thanks many! ty ty ty
Apr. 06
Three days enj. b. w. worked out wonderfully. Through careful giving and preparations the important part of our season within season prepared ahead of time efforts practiced joyfully. The see it the whole way through story with trepidation of a surety continues, continually.
Apr. 07
E.B.W. Thurs. something greater than us is at work. Through mid morning aff.'s absolvement of i.b.a. not to hard for average. So the universe being near to be sure is a wonderful blessing thanks to others.
Apr. 08
E.B.W. is done for enjoyment. Humming our hymns, sowing our seeds, glad for one another. Thanks be, Thanks be many, thanks be! Thanks many! ty ty ty
Spring in Ohio River Valley!
T.s.r.'s e.b.w. has a joy of continual giving. The challenge of such in autonomous f.c. s. is continual also. The symbolic and fig. loi of whats written in m.b. digital has its thanks in amateur status.
Enjoyment blog writing about t.s.r.'s is continual. To witness the coming near of the universe to us has some joy amidst concern. A blessing to be sure but yea the t & t of so many suffering.
April 06
Alternate 04-05 entries 1a or 1b available by request!?
Apr. 03, 2011
E.B.W. just because you don't wanna let your bloggee's blogaloo's down. The flow flow's(flowers) are hard to describe, Thank you and happiness is good.
Apr. 04, 2011
T.s.r.'s e.b.w. has a joy of continual giving. The challenge of such in autonomous f.c. s. is continual also.
The symbolic and figurative loi of whats written in mobile broadband digital has museum, church and
library amateur status.
04-01 and 4-02
Symbolic and fig. accord is much better way to few of several. Light in its combined form leads to f.o.s. wholesome. Light in its separate form is locality accord of good faith. Arts & humanities re: light are charitable challenged by more good faith stories than resources.
E.B.W. has its moments. And thrift in the quantum vernacular is of accord in timely hard to define manmade calendar moments. Whether any message reaches few of several others as accord gifts us with correct thanks for free gift subject worth learning.(edit)
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Cold croessroads Fall or Autumn Rd. 's is common.
The good of others working one with another is greater than the humanities crisis being many, the Christian west crisis fronts many, Am...
Arts and a painting: e.b.w. add. : The good of others working one with another is greater than the humanities crisis being many, the Ch...