
Extensive blog entry on current day truth

Rounded dates and times are applied all the way through to start with. Current reading on business and management has good resources and references. The current day truth has somber tone for the giving of thanks to our military families and their loved ones.

Quarterly report typically endures with the similar rounded dates and times being in good faith check and balance. Dollars and cents are accounted for like a ledger demain of importance. Reviewing the careful managed report of 2010 requires dutiful focus and honest renewal to do the best work possible anew. To discipline oneself to manage this subject has been referenced in local issues based advocacy with extra juris quantum report.

The paperwork of five distinct files is well managed and refers to Gentleman's private business affairs. The body of work is well referenced in quantum reference area addendum *materials.

To review in full therefore to start with and to finish with has a subject and expressly a following. The literary theme of non distraction is done for purposes of academic excellence. In arts advancement in perpetuity has maintenance's at constants efforts endeavoured to be done by others. The advancement work done through submissions and queries is made manifest in the theme of advancement for the serious tone of its renewal. With the balance of subject being somewhat in random and arbitrary files on information system stressing the review of such is done for purposes of avoiding new information.

So the responsible what to do and where to go from here are the timely mid to late spring conjecture. Remembering in see it all the way through to start with juncture in sacrament of concordant law done to start with and to finish with. For the what exists in the land base satellite or eternal due to current and present time quarterly report of good faith subject matter interest to be changing on a perpetual continuing and ongoing basis with necessary multitasking concordant(*ttt code) partnering in an equal share in the wonderful continues as land base satellite or eternal at constants.


morning aff.'s

A.M. aff. time reaffirmations made quietly q.r.a. Amen

Quantum time Mon. (q1a 1qa 1aq) many faiths one people has constants. Quantum memo notes Mon. the qtr. hr. aff. furthering of quantum is so written. Remnant setting aside Thurs. set aside on Mon. (1qa 1aq q1a) has constants very briefly quietly.(q1a q1a a1q)

In lay terms universal faith can't be measured. Efforts at doing so require work and review. ... .... ..... .... ...


How few days!

The important ecumenical and fisc. acad. qrtly ad infinitum from re-crescendo has its all the way through rounded few days vernacular or scholastic and business transformations anew. The being and steadfastness of joys in spring at its finest really has no equal. Yet the stresses and pressures and need for better and better
abundance continues as always and ever.


Continuity were not much

Continuity were not much.
Later continuity is not much.
Continuity process has basics


100's has 100's.
Wonder blessing is at work.
Lesser accord has written accord.
Abounding more has its arts
continuing at constants representation.


Blog entry on report

Number has accord.
Amount has purpose accord.
Subject is.
There's much gladness.
All is All.
Accords may be apart,
while yea we are Thou.

*letter is formed in pared down form, remember cotillion subjects of math were not guaranteed easy.



During final acad. and fisc. review resource, research and rebuffer time continues in its maintained at constants universitalis. The harder e. to w. anytown usa universitalis conscience has its important acceptation and agreement being done for us. The upright conscience or inner body mudrah has the important components of being solid, being regular, and disciplined. The restive conscience has the bonds of normal human accord and impotance as discussed at the dst of 8 hrs. of rest.

p.s. my important formed letter at this time is private! The world and its tribes are struggling resolving crises.


Three small r's

Non distraction papers are separate from construct issues and notes. Exercise in non distraction entries has a theme of good faith minimal amount of academic terseness to the accord of economic lives and times. Information in mid-morning affirmations in form and function paragraph code review.



A.M. 010 early a.m. set aside early Fri. morning east to west roads anytown, USA,
separation issue subjects are best maintenanced and served as separation issue. The time defined in covenant and correlation as defined in new covenant work to minimal amt. of time and energy is full acceptation and adherence to such as defined. The symbolic and figurative truth is the wonder of such made full in the bonds of love.(that passeth understanding)


be glad for one another

Take special time in May times to be especially glad for one another. In doing so you'll feel good about life and yourself. Where the universitalis exists peace and hope abound.


TSR's imp. rem. day

Mid terms and early to mid spring conditions are continuing @constants in normal good faith goal directed process way. The excellence in stipend quality non com and ngo example gives way to non ending challenges of balance in hard and serious challenge of academic and fiscal qrtrly. reality. Thankfully by grace the only ordinaced in universitalis consciousness has lesser quantum truth in humbly defined wee season w/in season. (Var. footnotes and sci equations on original doc)


 Cold croessroads Fall or Autumn Rd. 's is common.